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Thursday, January 9, 2020

The life story of Cleopatra - Love killer

Queen Cleopatra
Queen lover

Cleopatra looking for a military commander, stands beside her after 
the departure of Julius Caesar And find what you want with Mark Antony Where begins the story of love between them Until the end of the dramatic As they reach the death of Cleopatra, Mark Antony rumor has been decided to Suicide and ask to be buried with Marc Antonio

Will read together in this article :
Search for a successor of Julius Caesar, Mark Antony is the solution, Marc Antonio falls in love with Cleopatra, A tragic end

Search for a successor of Julius Caesar
Cleopatra went back to Egypt. She ruled alone for the next three years, a time of peace with no uprisings in her country. She was also known as the New Isis and was revered almost as a savior by her subjects. She was thought of as the widow of her divine husband Caesar, and Caesarion was recognized as their divine offspring.

Cleopatra was still determined, at all cost, to keep Egypt’s independence and try to regain its lost overseas possessions. But she knew she needed another strong military man to take Julius Caesar’s place, a new consort to stand by her incase Rome once more try to grab her kingdom. Cleopatra listened eagerly to any news from Rome brought by sailors or merchants. She even sent scouts there to gather information. 

Mark Antony is the solution
Confusing reports from Rome about events and alliances were changing daily. This added to Cleopatra’s worries. Who would be in charge now that Caesar was gone? What Roman should she try to deal with, next? Could she count on Caesar’s devoted friend Mark Antony to help? Did Caesar’s decree that she was queen of Egypt, ally and friend of Rome, still hold?

Her great hope, that little Caesarion would be recognized as Caesar’s son and heir as well as future and King of Egypt, had already been challenged. Caesar’s will made no mention of Caesarion, much to Cleopatra’s dismay, named his great-nephew, nineteen-year-old Octavius, as his adopted son and heir. This infuriated Cleopatra. She naturally felt that her son had prior claim to Caesar’s name and divinity, since he was the only known surviving child of his blood. Mark Antony was equally put out by Octavius. Antony felt that he, Caesar’s old military companion and favored friend, should take Caesar’s place.
When Cleopatra realized that another civil war between Romans was imminent, she started to build a fleet to prepare for the coming struggle. She knew she would be pressured by both sides to give aid in money, ships, and grain. However, she decided to take her time in deciding which side to support. Egypt’s and her own future depended on her choosing the winner. This was a dilemma for Cleopatra. She knew and liked Mark Antony but mistrusted Octavius, whom she did not know.
Marc Antonio falls in love with Cleopatra
Mark Antony requested that Cleopatra meet him in Tarsus.p.70 He had planed to seduce her when she arrived. Mark Antony knew that only with Cleopatra at his side with her wealth of Egypt at his command could he be certain of eliminating Octavian in the struggle for the world.

Mark Antony’s plan to seduce Cleopatra backfired. When she arrived in Tarsus, her beauty, and her style of life captivated Mark Antony. He fell in love with Cleopatra. Cleopatra found him attractive and full of fun, if not as interesting intellectually as Caesar.
Their relationship at first was based on their need for each other in the political world. They also came to depend on each other more and more, maybe not as passionately as Shakespeare suggested in his play. Cleopatra may have had the upper hand in their relationship, but despite some disagreements, she remained faithful to Antony just as she had Caesar. She was never promiscuous, as her enemies suggested. Such behavior was beneath her queenly dignity. If she had ever had any other lovers, her enemies surely would have found out and made the most of it. Ptolemy queens might have been murderous, but they were not adulterous.

Cleopatra and Mark Antony, eventually, had three children together. Cleopatra managed to allure Antony into giving back to her most of the lands once owned by her dynasty. She was also granted protection from Rome even though the Romans hated her. 

A tragic end
All of this would come to an end soon. Tension was brewing between Octavian and Mark Antony for control over the Mediterranean. They both wanted to be the next Alexander the Great. In the end Octavian would prevail. After being crushed by Octavian’s army Mark Antony fled to be with Cleopatra, who had already fled the battle. Mark Antony, after hearing a rumor that Cleopatra committed suicide, killed himself. Cleopatra killed herself also, because she knew that Octavian would degrade her and drag her through the streets of Rome. She made one request that she be buried with Mark Antony. Octavian granted her request. All of Cleopatra’s children were eventually killed and Cleopatra’s life long dream of preserving Egypt was gone.

Cleopatra had done well for her country and achieved a special status for it. It was Cleopatra’s political as well as administrative ability that inspired many people as a nationalistic heroine, saving her country from Roman rule and keeping it independent.

Though Cleopatra image both in art and in drama has gone through transformations in the last two thousand years, her role as the evil seductress has rarely changed; she both threatens and allures. She died trying to live up to her life long dream of preserving Egypt.

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